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How do I configure auth for a Docker Hub upstream?

You'll need two things!

  • Username
  • Access Token

Getting your Docker Hub access token.

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 10.56.16.png

  • Enter a description, something catchy like "Cloudsmith Upstream"...
  • Select appropriate access permissions. 

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 10.56.48.png

Note: The access token will only be displayed once. It will not be stored and cannot be retrieved.


Configuring your Upstream in Cloudsmith.

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 11.07.43.png

For more information on configuring a Docker upstream, check out our documentation.

  • Enter your Docker Hub username as the username
  • Enter the Docker Hub access token as the password

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 11.09.05.png


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